Make a Good Kaizo Level X3
(Yes I know the second one's relay's still ongoing but it's close enough to finished that I don't really care personally.)
Download the episode HERE.
So, in order to spice things up a bit this time and not step on PixelPest's toes and also keep peeps from sending in pre-made levels we're gonna be instituting a gimmick - instead of just going with whatever ideas you have, there's instead an interesting limitation. Your level must be a kaizo remix of a level of your choice from MaGL X or X2. Think the Umbra missions from Pyro's improved MaGL X hub except much, much harder of course.
The Rules
- You can work with any level from the compiled episodes of MaGL X and X2, barring any submission of your own and the following exceptions:
- You may only submit one .lvl file. Consequently, you cannot do both halves of Lava Rockway - however, you may do either half on its own. Also note that while the Flandre battle of Koopa Devil Mansion is off-limits, the main level is fair game.
- Do not hint at what level you've chosen anywhere in the level, its filename, the level name field in the editor, or any interactions with the judges. Doing so is an immediate -10 points from your final score.
- Any and all abuse of glitches and engine exploits is ABSOLUTELY fair game, but please explain anything you make use of in your level beyond the most basic of things in a .txt file in your submission.
- LunaLua is allowed.
- Please implement your own character filters. Trust me, even Lua-based filtering is really not difficult at all to implement. You can do it.
- As always, make sure all your level's end goals are SMB3 exit stars. You can include as many stars as you'd like, but remember that SMBX's save format can only count one star per section per level.
- Your level must be completable without inputting cheats. If none of the judges can do so and cannot determine if it's actually possible, you'll need to prove it yourself in some fashion.
Difficulty - 20 points
- It's a kaizo contest, of course we're judging difficulty.
- Do note that this is not a flat "how difficult is this level out of 20" value. We will be judging based on both how difficult the level is and how well-executed and fun (for a kaizo-playing audience) it is.
- Quite simply, how well does your level evoke its source material? Can we tell what level you're working from just by looking (and maybe refreshing our memories of the original if need be)?
- We're not looking for carbon copies of the original levels except now there's Rinkas. How well does your level stand out as a remix without deviating too much from the source material?
- Self-explanatory, really.
- Zyglrox Odyssey
- Pyro
- Enjl
Name your .lvl file your username.
Zip it up along with any custom assets used, a .txt containing your level name and your source level, and (if applicable) a .txt explaining any noteworthy glitches or exploits required in your level. (Please make sure which .txt is which is clearly marked if you need two.)
Upload the .zip to a file hosting service (Mediafire, Google Drive, etc.) and PM me the link.
June 30th, 2016, 11:59:59 PM EST July 10th, 2016, 11:59:59 PM EDT
The deadline has passed, for every day past July 11th EDT your score will be deducted by 3 points
Submissions are closed. :c