(the embarrassing image above is just to show that I've finally got level 8 to not look like the green switch palace anymore, hooray!)
(also, why are like 90% of Lunar Magic tutorials on YouTube in German or Portuguese?!)
Jople said that if I'm changing map16 tiles I need to claim a few, I reckon I need three 16x16 background squares. But, to avoid messing anything up, I think I'm going to make the level 8 edit in a regular SMW rom, make sure everything works, then rebuild in the baserom, then make the ips patch. Is that a safe thing to do, or am I making life way too difficult for everyone involved? My apologies for the super dumb question, just wanted to ask now before pain is caused down the line! Again, if you reckon that letting a guy who took one hour to realise how to place tiles in a level take part in this project is actually a bad idea, do let me know and I'll come back for JUMP 1/4!