
Choco Latte Contest 2022 - Submit Here!

would you like to participate in some fun contests? would you like to create some fun contests? well ^_^
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Location: Hungary

Choco Latte Contest 2022 - Submit Here!

Post by ShadowStarX »

Replies in this thread must exclusively be level submissions!

If you have any questions, head over to the Rules Thread.

How do I submit?
  1. Make a level
  2. Package your level into a ZIP or 7z archive
  3. Upload it to MEGA, Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive.
    1. Make sure the download can be accessed by everyone and will be valid when the deadline comes! Otherwise your level cannot participate.
    2. Other hosts like Mediafire and Sendspace are discouraged due to slow download speeds or only temporarily keeping the files.
  4. (Optional): Make a thread for your level in the subforum with the download link and receive feedback from other players.
  5. Once you are satisfied with your level, leave a reply in this thread with a link to your submission
    1. If you want to make an update to your level, edit your post. Do not make a second reply!
    2. Include critical information in the Readme, not your post!
What should my submission include?
  • The level file
  • Any custom assets (music, sounds, graphics) should be in the level folder (folder with the same name as the level)
    • Avoid renaming your level folder shortly before submission... This tends to break music paths.
  • A Readme to specify info you think the judges should be aware of should be included in the same folder as the level file.
    • Information in this file may include the preferred level name, viable characters, filters, number of exits/stars, credits, and anything else you wish to share. If you're feeling fancy, write a poem, or an epic!
    • If some parts of the Readme contain spoilers, it's recommended to put them at the end of the file and clearly separate the spoiler-y parts from the rest.
  • It doesn't matter whether you reveal your name for the submission or not, but if you do so, please do that inside the Readme.

Please make an attempt to keep the filesize of your music low. Any song larger than 6MB is just a hassle. Making looping OGG music is quite easy and usually only takes up 1-3MB, too! If you're using SNES music, please aim to use SPCs rather than OGGs! Also refrain from using MP3s and WAV files.

And once again, if you have any questions, please ask in the Rules thread, rather than here.

If you want to submit on the SMBX forums instead of Talkhaus, head over here.
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