It's been a while, hasn't it? Maybe around 6 years or something?
Huh? Who am I?
It's me, Kuro! But completely redesigned because...why not!
I'm taking full control as the host now and tried make more songs easier to identify this time around, but I don't think I did that well.
Anyways, you guys probably know the drill by now. 60 tracks, 30 seconds long, 1 non-VGM intruder in the mix.
And the gimmick, of course we can't forget that! Well it's just pointing out which songs are from rhythm games this time around.
I'll explain in more detail on the more official looking contest outline Kat tends to leave out, but this time handled by me.
Speaking of which, I'll just slap that here right now!
2 points are awarded if you guess the game the song comes from correctly!
1 point is awarded if you only guess the correct series the song comes from!
If the song is remixed in any way, you have to tell me the game the remix appears in order to get the full points! No need to mention what it's a remix of.
Points awarded are doubled for one song if you're the only person who guessed the correct game or series!
5 points are awarded if you identify the intruder song that doesn't appear in any game at all! Be warned though, you only have one shot to pick the intruder and can't change this answer later! This song's points aren't doubled if you're the only one who finds it, by the way.
The Gimmick
10 songs in this list are specifically from rhythm games! Identifying these songs will give you 1 extra point on that song! Wow!
This extra point is not affected by the point doubling if you're the only one who guesses the gimmick song correctly.
Be careful though, as some songs on this list are songs that show up in rhythm based minigames in games that are not actually fully rhythm games! For example, In Mario Party Jamboree there's a rhythm minigame you play with DK to get him as an ally. If that song were on this list, it would not fall under this gimmick because Jamboree isn't a rhythm game!
There also may be songs in this list that appear in rhythm games after its debut. These songs also do not count towards the gimmick as they didn't debut in a rhythm game!
Hints The hint system changed a bit, so pay attention!
If you're having trouble identifying the game, you may PM or DM asking for me hints for any song!
You can ask up to 3 hints without penalty!
Using hints on a song after using the 3 freebie hints will result in you only able to obtain 1 point max on that song (this 1 point can still be doubled if you're the only one who gets it right, and you can still get the gimmick point on top of that if that song falls under the gimmick).
-2 points are deducted from your total score per hint after 7 hints.
Be mindful that some of the hints I give may not make sense immediately! You can always ask for more hints for the same song though, in which I'll then progressively make more sense.
Asking for multiple hints on the same song will still add to the hint counter, so be aware!
The deadline of this contest is January 24th @ 9 PM EST!
Before the deadline hits, you're free to change your guesses!
Oh you're still here? I was just waiting for the songs to embed.
Well since you're still here, let me tell you a secret.
There's a second hidden gimmick in this contest. 10 different songs outside of the main gimmick in this list fall under it.
I won't just throw you in the deep in end though, so I'll give you some hints on what this gimmick could be.
It vaguely relates to the subtitle of the contest.
It relates to the fact that I (Kuro) am hosting this contest.
Number 60 is one of the songs under this gimmick
...wait I didn't put that last one there.
Oh well, if you know one of the songs under the hidden gimmick, it doesn't really matter.
Because if you want those 15 extra points you have to both identify all the hidden gimmick songs and tell me what the gimmick is.
New year, new VGM contest tunes to groove to or become disgruntled that I can't remember what it might be. (I think I've identified 4 out of the first 10 I've listened to and there's 2 I think I know but cannot remember where they're from)
While I definitely did blank out on some of these snippets, I'm satisfied with what I thought was which for some snippets. Curious to see what songs were what in the answers thread, getting to hear full versions is my favorite part~