
Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

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Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by WestonSmith »


Version: 1.1
Updated: November 22nd/2014

What's in the Download?
-Superb Demo Sisters World file and Level files
-Superb Demo Sisters manual
-Compatible LunaDLL (please note: the game may not work with your current version of LunaDLL. To test, try spin jumping after loading the game. If you can't spin jump, you're good to go. If you can, switch out your LunaDLL file to the one included in the download.
Change Log
-1.1: Updated HIntro Level graphics to match the swaps in Hard Mode
-Fixed an impossible jump in H6-4
-Updated the Bullet Bill Launcher graphics in all levels (some were missing parts)
-Added a Version Number to the HUB
-Updated the ending castle in 7-3 to be of the large variety
-Added "fail-safe" exits to all levels for players who bypass the castles (namely for Sheath)
-Updated the music in 5-2 to the Snow Theme
-Fixed KingTwelveSixteens name in the level intros
-Fixed the Fire Trap in 8-4/H8-4 for the first pipe of the first "Pick a Pipe" section (should spawn fireballs more consistently)

-1.0: Game released

Japanese Trailer

If you don't have A2XT, here's the current version of the base game.

http://www.mediafire.com/download/9rqiq ... nstall.exe
Last edited by WestonSmith 10 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by swirlybomb »

Don't forget the promo art!!


Also it's not the 27th yet!! (actually it probably is because time zones)

Does 0.1 indicate that it's not quite finished somehow?? 1.0 would seem more 'natural' to me.

But anyway go play the game!!
anonymousbl00dlust wrote:All the obstacles in my level can be beaten on the players first attempt without any 'future predicting'.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by Kil »

Well I managed to beat the game with 0 lives remaining and no powerup so I guess it's absolutely perfectly balanced and ready to ship.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by Mabel »


Its also the 27th here so....

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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by Doctor Shemp »

Yeah, 0.1 is odd naming. That's like a beta number. Shouldn't it be 1.0?
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by WestonSmith »

We probably should have talked numbering prior to release. I just sort of assumed everyone started at 0 for some reason.


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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by KingTwelveSixteen »

So, if Superb Demo Sisters is out...

Well, does anyone outside of people who visit this forum regularly actually know right now?
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by WestonSmith »

KingTwelveSixteen wrote:So, if Superb Demo Sisters is out...

Well, does anyone outside of people who visit this forum regularly actually know right now?
Not in the slightest.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by Willhart »

WestonSmith wrote:
KingTwelveSixteen wrote:So, if Superb Demo Sisters is out...

Well, does anyone outside of people who visit this forum regularly actually know right now?
Not in the slightest.
You could ask raocow to give a shoutout for the game and post it on the smbx forums and rpgmaker.net. Changing the version number should not be too difficult.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters V0.1

Post by swirlybomb »

step 1) Rename it to 1.0 (this would take literally seconds at most) and rename the thread to something like "Superb Demo Sisters official release (v1.0)"

step 2) Ask a mod to make a post in the Global Announcement "News" thread

step 3) Maybe advertise in the Twitter thread too if you wanted?

Also I feel I should note for anyone that happened to play the work-in-progress version of Hard Mode (or watched Shemp's testing videos) that Weston opted to use more of a 'global' palette-swap, rather than the per-world palette swaps I initially inserted.
(I think; I haven't actually seen this 'final' version myself yet)
anonymousbl00dlust wrote:All the obstacles in my level can be beaten on the players first attempt without any 'future predicting'.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Granix »

After 3rd strike, I finally beat the game, yay!

I really enjoyed this, I like how every level feels different in a way and some has really nice concepts (7-4 or 6-2 for example). And I love the ending.

To be honest I never was afraid of Lakitus Monthras so much, these levels were the most difficult (by the way in 4-1 first butterfly is flying straigh, while every other is flying SMW style, not sure if it was intentional).

Now, take some rest and to the post game!
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Leet »

before i play - is there a way to make it so my demos arent collective between this + analog funk besides having two installations of a2xt base
Well it is a decent hack but sometime its just too repetitif there no level that actually pop in your face and your like oh yeah that level they all ressemble themselves and just monster along the way.
Blood Ghoul wrote:Sometimes it seems my blood spurts out in gobs, as if it were a fountain's pulsing sobs. I clearly hear it mutter as it goes yet cannot find the wound from which it flows. Before I met you, baby, I didn't know what I was missing.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Doctor Shemp »

Leet wrote:before i play - is there a way to make it so my demos arent collective between this + analog funk besides having two installations of a2xt base
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Leet »

am i literally the only person who cares about that then

because im not playing until it doesnt mess with my stats for completely different video games
Well it is a decent hack but sometime its just too repetitif there no level that actually pop in your face and your like oh yeah that level they all ressemble themselves and just monster along the way.
Blood Ghoul wrote:Sometimes it seems my blood spurts out in gobs, as if it were a fountain's pulsing sobs. I clearly hear it mutter as it goes yet cannot find the wound from which it flows. Before I met you, baby, I didn't know what I was missing.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Kil »

Technically you're not really losing your records from other stuff, since the level names and deaths are tied together, and that all still exists in the records file.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Leet »

yea but i always record my total demos at the end of the maingame + the end of the postgame. whats the point of the demo meter's total at all if it cant be used for more than one game without accumulating every single death you make in the engine?
Well it is a decent hack but sometime its just too repetitif there no level that actually pop in your face and your like oh yeah that level they all ressemble themselves and just monster along the way.
Blood Ghoul wrote:Sometimes it seems my blood spurts out in gobs, as if it were a fountain's pulsing sobs. I clearly hear it mutter as it goes yet cannot find the wound from which it flows. Before I met you, baby, I didn't know what I was missing.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Zygl »

Leet wrote:am i literally the only person who cares about that then

because im not playing until it doesnt mess with my stats for completely different video games
Personally what I do about that is I rename my demos.dmo before starting up a2mbxt.exe. I'd imagine that would get rather annoying if you're switching between games often but it's the only real solution at the moment.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Leet »

I can do that, but I don't appear to have that file as far as I know.
Well it is a decent hack but sometime its just too repetitif there no level that actually pop in your face and your like oh yeah that level they all ressemble themselves and just monster along the way.
Blood Ghoul wrote:Sometimes it seems my blood spurts out in gobs, as if it were a fountain's pulsing sobs. I clearly hear it mutter as it goes yet cannot find the wound from which it flows. Before I met you, baby, I didn't know what I was missing.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Zygl »

Just did a run through normal mode, it's humanly possible to get a fire flower in 8-3 and so as a matter of principle I have to give the game a -100/10 for deviating from the original SMB.
(It's pretty good actually, if a little on the easy side. Haven't tried hard mode or the newly-rebalanced challenge world yet, though.)
Leet wrote:I can do that, but I don't appear to have that file as far as I know.
It should be in the Main Game folder, otherwise the demo counter wouldn't be working at all, I'm pretty sure. I dunno if messing with the path when you run the base game installer messes with things for some reason though.

e: 9-3's still credited to KingTwelveSeventeen.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Leet »

It appears I do have it in the 'devkit' which I downloaded slightly more recently. And the demo counter works the same in both as far as i can tell. So I don't know what the deal is with that.
Well it is a decent hack but sometime its just too repetitif there no level that actually pop in your face and your like oh yeah that level they all ressemble themselves and just monster along the way.
Blood Ghoul wrote:Sometimes it seems my blood spurts out in gobs, as if it were a fountain's pulsing sobs. I clearly hear it mutter as it goes yet cannot find the wound from which it flows. Before I met you, baby, I didn't know what I was missing.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by KingTwelveSixteen »

I found a bug. Doing Sheathe in hard mode, if you jump high enough on the flagpole on 1-1 you just like, partially go over it and get stuck against the back wall of the level.

Also raocow and Sheathe are super-powerful it's pretty fun to be them.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Septentrion Pleiades »

Good job. I've watch through the trailer and hopefully that didn't spoil too much. I don't know what to do now in case a collaborative blind play-though is in order.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by glitch4 »

This...this is amazing
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Unaniem »

I managed to accidentally break the game in 2-1
borked.png (671.81 KiB) Viewed 11780 times
I used the springboard to go super high above the flagpole, bumped into the invisible wall that lies beyond it, tapped right to nudge slightly and fall on top of the flagpole triggering the level end event, but as I fell Demo still had the slight momentum to the right, dropping her next to the block the flagpole sits on. Since the level end event was triggered all she did at this point was walk into the block while nothing would happen.

It's possible to fix this without exiting the game by using the "ghostytime" and "redigitiscool" cheats, but you'd have to know about those to not just simply quit the game and force yourself to start over.

I have no idea if it's possible to replicate this in any other stage.
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Re: Superb Demo Sisters Official Release

Post by Diggertron »

So I game over-ed in 4-1 when I forgot that you can't spinjump on spinies in this game.

four times

10/10 Game of the Year
That makes raocow a victim of proprietary software.
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