
LunaDLL/LunaLUA help thread

The second SMBX collab!
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by TiKi »

So you know the PlayerMemSet code in SDS that makes spin jumping impossible? Could someone please define all the parts of that code, each word and number? The PlayerMemSet stuff seems to me like "Let Kil do something, then ape that for YOUR level" as opposed to "logically derivable by the average joe".
Posts: 13
Joined: 15 years ago

Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Kil »

It's in the tutorial under memassign. All it does is constantly write 0 to the memory address that stores whether or not you're spinjumping.

The tutorial is down so here

Code: Select all

 - lunadll.txt script tutorial - 

The most important things to think about are the action you want to do
and the point at which the action should happen. The scripting engine
only deals with those two things: A time, and an action.

Example times:
While loading a level
In section 1
In section 2
When a timer runs down
When touching a block of a certain type
When typing a custom cheat code
When a condition is met such as NPC with ID 138 no longer exists

Example actions:
Change the player character
Change the powerup
Change the reserve powerup
Play a sound
Change the music
Show text
Trigger an event
Manipulate game memory somehow

 - The basics -

The first step is creating a file named lunadll.txt in your level folder. That's it.

 - Structure -

There's only 4 things you'll be writing in your lunadll.txt.

1) Time designator - #
# designates a time of an action. They mostly correspond to sections of the level

#-1 means during level load
#0 means "always"
#1 means section 1
#2 means section 2
#21 means section 21

#1000 and up is an advanced feature for designating custom events / custom blocks of commands

Once you write say #-1, then all commands you write from then on will be run
during the level load time of your level, until you write #1 or some other designator.

2) Comments - // comment

Any line that contains a // will be understood as a comment. Comments are only 
for humans to read, and the scripting engine ignores them. They're actually important
for remembering just what the hell your code is supposed to do, and for others to
understand what your code does.

3) Commands - Kill,0,0,0,0,0,0

Commands are the most important part of lunadll scripts, and the most complicated.
There's no way to remember them all or what all of the parts of one do usually,
so you have to check the reference.

They mostly have the same parts, separated by commas

"Kill" - This first part is the command name. It's the easiest part to remember and
explains what the command does, usually. This one kills something. "Infinite flying"
activates infinite flying for the player, and so on.

After each command name, there are 6 parameters separated by commas. What each one
does is specific to each command, and they're quite hard to remember, which is why
you'll have to refer to the reference. But there is some underlying pattern.

1 - The target parameter
The first number is usually the "target" of the command. If you want the command to
target the player, 0 is usually the player. If you want to target the "key" NPC
(the thing you pick up that opens lockd doors), well you need to target the key's 
NPC ID (the key is NPC ID 38)

2, 3, 4 - Options
Parameter 2, 3, 4 are extra parameters that can mean just about anything, but for a
lot of commands that aren't complicated, they usually aren't used and are just 0. 
Check the command reference. 

5 - Active time
Parameter 5 is virtually always the "active time" specifier. Basically it's how long
the command will "run" before finally deleting itself. 0 means it never runs out. 
1 means it lasts 1 frame. 60 means it lasts 60 frames (1 second), and so on.

Keep in mind that commands don't run at all unless they're in the section you're in.
A command in #21 with 1 frame active time will sit there forever until the player
actually gets to section 21, and then it will run once and then die.

6 - Text
Unlike the others, the 6th parameter can also be entered as text, but is oftentimes
just left as 0 anyway. It's usually where you type messages, decimal numbers, and

That's all you need to know about commands.

4) Script footer - #END

#END is a special string you should put at the end of your .txt file. It's pretty
simple - just put #END after everything else.

 - Examples - 

Here's a bunch of examples in ascending level of complexity with lots of comments

///--Basic filter script--///


That's the whole thing. First we have the level load designator, which is where you
normally want a filter. FilterToBig lowers Demo's powerup down to mushroom level
if she has anything higher than a mushroom, and does nothing if she's small.

FilterToBig's 6 parameters do nothing except the 5th, the active time. It's set to
0 which means "always", but since it's in the level load section, it only works
for that 1 frame when the level is loading. If this were in section #0, Demo would
never be able to get a powerup higher than a mushroom because she would constantly
be filtered to bigness.

///--Basic filter script 2--///


Same thing as filter 1, except it deletes your mount/yoshi/shoe if you have one.

///--Basic filter script 3--///

// Section 2

Let's change things up. The designator is now section 2, and the active time is 180.
That means when you enter section 2, the player will constantly have his reserve 
powerup removed over the span of 3 seconds. Why you would actually do this is
another story.

///--Bad Example--///

This is a bad example because the command exists in the level load section. This
command in particular doesn't work unless it's continuously active, and in the level
load section it won't actually do anything. It should be under #0

///--Multi character filter--///

// Filter raocow to Demo

// Filter Princess to Demo


This example removes the possibility of raocow or Princess being in your level. 
FilterPlayer only has 3 relevent parameters. #2 is the character you want to filter
out, and #3 is the character you want it to filter to. 1 is Demo, 2 is Iris, etc.
#5 is the active time as usual, but since it's the load level section, any amount is 

///--Fairness---/// (lunadll version 7+)

What might that do? #0 is the always section, and ClearInputString... clears the
keyboard input buffer. With an active time of 0, it never stops. The keyboard 
input buffer is filled with keyboard strokes and used to identify when a cheat code 
is entered. Clearing it constantly means no one will be able to enter a cheat code.

///--Full level--///

// Filter Demo to Sheath

// Print the word "HI" at x:300 y:300 on the screen, with font 3



// Filter a bunch of stuff and play sound effect ID 10 for no reason


This is mainly here to illustrate the syntax of having a bunch of different things
in one script (basically there aren't many rules in the way of syntax)

///--Modify boss life--///
// Set the hit counter of NPCs of type 209 (mother brains) in section 1 to 9 hits

NPCs in this game don't have health. They have a hit counter. So a mother brain
with 9 hits has 1 hit left. A birdo with 1 hit has 2 hits left. A mother brain
with -10 hits has 20 hits left. Only NPCs that can normally get hit more than
once can have their hit counts manipulated. To find the NPC ID of an NPC, check
the graphics folder or a list of NPC IDs. Currently there's no way to specify
one single NPC among many that may be in your level. The command runs for every 
NPC of the type you specify. This goes for all NPC and block commands actually.

///--Trigger an event--/// (lunadll version 7+)

This will start the event named "MyEvent" (assuming you put such an event in
your level). Pretty simple.

///--Is this working?--///
// Show script info on the screen

DebugPrint is a command that prints some basic info about how the scripts are
running. It's useful for figuring out whether lunadll is even working at all.
If you see it reporting that thousands of events are being spawned for no
good reason, you should probably recheck your script.

///--Double the player's lives--///

// Multiply the decimal amount at memory location 0x00B2C5AC by 2


This is a memory manipulation command, and it's the most complicated thing you're
going to find in here. You can skip this part and just not use direct memory
manipulation commands and do just fine.

MemAssign performs an operation on a selected memory location in a global variable 
section. The game remembers all sorts of things in this space. Lives, coins, 
the state of switches, timers for everything, score, pointers to level names, 
directory names, state info like whether or not you're in the editor, in battle
mode, how many players there are, how many npcs there are...

Unfortunately, there's no way to be sure which memory location contains what
information, unless you poke around in a debugger or scan memory. 0x00B2C5AC 
just happens to be where the lives counter is always located.

If you know the address of something and the format, you can do basic operations
on it with MemAssign. The 3rd parameter in 0x00B2C5AC,2,3 is the 3, which is the
operation to perform, here being multiply. The 2nd is 2, meaning multiply by 2.

0 = Assign
1 = Add
2 = Subtract
3 = Multiply <<
4 = Divide
5 = XOR

MemAssign,0x00B2C5AC,2,3 means multiply the value at 0x00B2C5AC by 2.

MemAssign,0x00B2C5AC,2,2 would be subtract lives by 2.

MemAssign,0x00B2C5AC,2,1 would be add 2 extra lives.

MemAssign,0x00B2C5AC,2,0 would be set player's lives to 2.

MemAssign,0x00B2C5AC,2,3,0 - The 4th param is 0 since it's unused

MemAssign,0x00B2C5AC,2,3,0,1 - An active time of 1. More would keep multiplying
the value by 2 and it would quickly max at 99.

MemAssign,0x00B2C5AC,2,3,0,1,f - Unfortunately memory is not packed evenly. You 
need to know the size of the data you're trying to manipulate. For lives, it just
so happens that they're a decimal / floating point value (which is odd considering
lives are one thing you'd always expect to be a whole number). So the last param
specifies what kind of data is operated upon. f means floating point / decimal 

b - 1 byte
w - 2 byte (word)
dw- 4 byte (double word)
f - 4 byte decimal / floating point
df- 8 byte decimal / double precision floating point

1 byte memory is rarely used in this game. 2 byte words are used for many things. 
4 byte double words aren't used that often and when they are it's usually something
you don't WANT to manipulate this way. The decimal types are very often used for 
spatial positions of things on the game map.

 - Custom Events - 

There are many actions you can do with all these commands, but the "time" part
the equation will be lacking unless there are more ways to trigger them besides
entering sections.

Any commands designated under a section header higher than 999 will be marked
as a custom event block.

// Custom event block 1000. It plays sfx 10 when activated.

// Custom event block 1001. It plays sfx 11 and kills you when activated.
// It also calls the delete command on this whole block, so it can't be
// activated any more. (lunadll version 7+)

These are two examples of custom event blocks. They need something to trigger
them though. There are many commands that trigger custom events on a condition.

Trigger - All it does is trigger a custom event.
Timer - It can trigger a custom event when it counts down to 0.
BlockTrigger - It can trigger an event when the target touches a certain block.
OnInput - Trigger an event when you press a certain something (lunadll 7+)
OnCustomCheat - Trigger an event when you type something (lunadll 7+)

///--Cheat a layer--///
// Wait for you to type "go", then activates custom event 1000

// Set layer3 X speed to 2.5 (assuming you added blocks to layer number 3)


Really it's self explanatory. Just type "go" and the layer command is run.
By the way, layer 0 is "default" layer, so 3 is the first custom layer you can

There's actually a terrible problem here. The layer command is set to have
infinite time. If you type "go" about 15,000 times, your game will start
to lag because there are 15,000 commands being run per frame. When you
trigger a custom event, it actually means the event is copied into the 
"always section", so events are like blueprints. The solution is to lower the 
active time. 1 is fine since the layer doesn't stop.

///--Player switch--/// (lunadll 7+)

// When tapping up, copy event 1000

// If tapping up again in the next 10 frames, copy event 1001

// Event 1001, switch to next player and play sound


Now it's getting complicated.

OnInput triggers when you press a certain button. Param2 is 1, which is "up". 
Param3 is also 1, which means it only detects the key press, not holding them
down. With this behavior you can simulate the detection of double taps (or more).

In this code, When you push up the first time, another OnInput (event 1000) is 
activated for 10 frames. This also waits for an up key press. If you successfully 
double tap, finally, event 1001 is triggered, which switches the character.

///--Suicide dance--/// (lunadll 7+)

// When tapping up, copy event 1000

// If tapping down in the next 20 frames, copy event 1001

// If tapping left in the next 20 frames, copy event 1002

// If tapping right in the next 20 frames, copy event 1003

// Tap jump...

// And then the dance is complete


A big button sequence. Just a more contrived version of the last one. 


// Activate #1000 after 600 frames

// Time's up


This is mainly about Timer. Timer is a useful command for automatic
repetition or... timing. It activates the custom event specified in its 2nd 
param whenever it reaches 0. Param 3 specifies whether or not to display 
the timer at the top right of the screen. Param 4 specifies whether or not
the timer should reset itself whenever it reaches 0. 5 is both the frame
countdown time and the time it should reset itself to if it's set to reset.

///--Pushable layer--///

//Apply permanent friction/air resistance to layer 3

//Trigger event 1000 when wooden square pushed from right

//Trigger event 1001 when wooden square pushed from left

//Move layer left, stop when length runs out

//Move layer right, stop when length runs out


If you put some wood blocks (Block ID 1) on layer 3, this script will
create the illusion that you're pushing them around by running into them
from the sides.

DeccelerateLayerX when active slows a layer (towards 0) by the amount in 
param 6. This simulates something like friction/air resistance.

BlockTrigger triggers custom events when the target interacts with a certain
block type from a certain direction. 

0 = player triggers the event, 1+ would be NPC IDS
1 = the Block ID
2 = The direction the block should be touched from to trigger. 1=U 2=R 3=D 4=L
1000 = The event to trigger
0 = active time (forever)
0 = unused

Accelerate layer is just the opposite of deccelerate. The second param is the
max speed it'll be allowed to accelerate to.

///--Play custom sound effect when you collect the axe--/// (luna version 7+)

// Activate #1000 after getting the axe (NPC ID 178)

// Plays custom sound effect in the level folder "kefka.wav"


IfNPC triggers an event based on an NPC condition. 178 means the condition is
for axe NPCs. 2 means "no longer exists", so it triggers once the axe is gone.

///--Infinite looping gimmick--///

// Just starts the looping events with #1000

// All enemies friendly, and trigger 1001

// All enemies unfriendly, and trigger 1000


Starts the friendly enemy event, which calls the unfriendly enemy event when it 
ends, which calls the friendly enemy event again when that ends. Loops forever.
Check the reference to be sure about NPCMemSet and IfNPC.

///--Judgement--/// (luna version 7+)

// Constantly check if 0x00B2C8C4 equals 0xFFFF, and if so copy #1000

// Constantly check if 0x00B2C8C4 equals 0, and if so copy #1001

ShowText,0,100,250,3,1,THOU HATH CHEATED

ShowText,0,100,250,3,1,THOU HATH NOT CHEATED


OnGlobalMem is a powerful trigger command that activates events based on whatever 
memory location you like. It just so happens that 0x00B2C8C4 is an address which
contains a two byte value that represents whether or not you've entered a 
cheat code before. This is the memory that's checked to see if you can save,
and it's cleared by the cheat which lets you save again.

0x00B2C8C4 = address
0xFFFF = value to check
0 = "equals" operation. 1 checks "greater than", 2 checks "less than"
1000 = activate #1000 if the check is true
0 = last forever
w = check it like a 2 byte value

Remember that either trigger is constantly being activated every frame because 
the test is either true or untrue, so one ShowText will be copied per frame.
The ShowText commands must not have an active time of 0, because then the old
ones would never expire while new ones are constantly being added ever frame. 
You'd end up with thousands of identical showtext commands being spawned and you 
would lag out really quickly.

///--Hide layer when player is raocow or Sheath--/// (luna version 7+)

// Constantly check if player memory at 0xF0 is greater than 3, and if so copy #1000

// Trigger an smbx event, assuming you added one to your level with this name


It's almost the same as OnGlobalMem, but the player doesn't have a fixed memory
address, so you use a short offset this time. It just so happens that 0xF0 is the
offset to the memory which contains what character you currently are. To find more
offsets, check the reference at the end of the document.

First, keep in mind that these are the character IDs
0 = invalid
1 = demo
2 = iris
3 = princess
4 = raocow
5 = sheath

0xF0 = target is player memory offset 0xF0, which contains the character ID
3 = value to test against is 3
1 = operation to perform is "greater than"
1000 = 1000 is the event to trigger if the character ID is greater than 3
0 = active forever
w = check the memory like it's a 2 byte word

///--The same exact thing--/// (luna version 7+)



These both do the exact same thing. InfiniteFlying is just an easier to understand 
wrapper around the same operation.

///--Random refill--/// (luna version 7+)
// Set coins to 0 on level load

// Whenever you have more than 0 coins, activate #1000

// Continuously reset coins to 0

// Random trigger called when you get a coin. 
// One of four choices is chosen with an even* 25% chance.
// #1003 has a 50% chance since it's listed twice.

// Become small
ShowText,0,200,200,3,60,TRIGGERING 1001

// Become big
ShowText,0,200,300,3,60,TRIGGERING 1002

// Become firey
ShowText,0,200,400,3,60,TRIGGERING 1003


The comments explain it all.

///--Scroll text up--/// (luna version 7+)

// The command we'll modify

// This command won't be modified (and won't appear because it's off screen)

// Modify 3rd param, by 1, subtraction, section #0, forever, "FAREWELL..."  what?


ModParam is a powerful command that can also totally foul everything up beyond
imagining. It changes the params of other commands. The challenge is identifying
the commands. Param 4 and 6 are used to specify which command you're looking for.
Param 4 is which # section the command is in, and Param 6 must match the text
exactly of the command you want to modify. Since most commands don't use text
you can just write anything in them and then match it later with ModParam.

3 = modify the third param (ShowText's Y coordinate)
1 = amount to modify by
2 = modify by subtracting
0 = look in #0 for the command to modify
0 = modify forever
FAREWELL... = the command to modify will have this in the text field

 - Reference -

Most of the structure of the player's data is known actually. You can trigger off 
of any of it with OnPlayerMem, or change any of it with PlayerMemSet, but a lot
of them are useless or not well understood at the moment. 

(qw is the same as df / double precision float)

// - Player MOB Struct. size = 0x184 (388 bytes)
//+0x00		w	= Toad doublejump ready (FFFF = true)
//+0x02		w	= Star sparkling effect on player
//+0x04		w	= Horizontal and ducking disabled (?)
//+0x06		w	= Ducking enabled?
//+0x08		w	= Water or quicksand timer
//+0x0A		w	= Is on slippery ground

//+0x0C		w	= Is a fairy
//+0x0E		w	= Fairy already used this jump (1 = true)
//+0x10		w	= Frames until fairy runs out
//+0x12		w	= Sheath has a key
//+0x14		w	= Sheath slash cooldown timer
//+0x16		w	= # of hearts

//+0x18		w	= Princess hover is available
//+0x1A		w	= Holding jump button
//+0x1C		w	= Princess hover timer
//+0x1E		w	= Unused (not cleared on level load)
//+0x20		f	= Princess hover Y tremble speed
//+0x24		w	= Princess hover Y tremble direction

//+0x26		w	= Ground item pull-up timer
//+0x28		f	= Ground item pull-up momentum save
//+0x2A		w	= Unused (not cleared on level load)

//+0x2C		w	= Climbing related
//+0x30		w	= Climbing related
//+0x32		w	= Climbing related

//+0x34		w	= 2 when in water
//+0x36		w	= 0xFFFF when in water
//+0x38		w	= Water stroke timer (can't stroke again until 0)

//- MISC
//+0x3A		w	= Unknown hover timer
//+0x3C		w	= Is sliding
//+0x3E		w	= Is generating sliding smoke puffs
//+0x40		w	= Climbing state (3 = climbing, 2 = pushed up against edge of climbable area)
//+0x42		w	= Unknown timer42
//+0x44		w	= Unknown flag44
//+0x46		w	= Unknown46 (powerup pickup related)
//+0x48		w	= Slope modifier

//+0x4A		w	= Tanooki suit statue flag
//+0x4C		w	= Statue transform cooldown frame timer
//+0x4E		w	= Frames spent as statue

//+0x50		w	= Spinjump flag (-1 = true)
//+0x52		w	= Spinjump state counter
//+0x54		w	= Spinjump land direction (will face this direction when landing)

//+0x56		w	= Current enemy kill combo count
//+0x58		w	= Ground sliding smoke puffs state
//+0x5A		w	= Warp is nearby this player (1 = pipe, 2 = instant, 3 = door)

//+0x60		w	= Has jumped

//+0x62		w	= Unknown62
//+0x64		w	= Unknown64
//+0x66		w	= Unknown66
//+0x68		w	= Unknown68
//+0x7A		w	= Unknown70
//+0x7C		w	= Unknown72

// - MOUNT 
//+0x7E		w	= Mount upper X offset
//+0x80		w	= Mount upper Y offset
//+0x82		w	= Mount upper GFX index
//+0x84		w	= Mount item in mouth swallow timer
//+0x86		w	= Mount lower X offset
//+0x88		w	= Mount upper Y offset
//+0x8A		w	= Mount lower GFX index
//+0x8C		w	= Unknown82
//+0x8E		w	= Unknown82
//+0x90		qw	= Tongue X position
//+0x98		qw	= Tongue Y position
//+0xA0		qw	= Tongue height or hitbox related
//+0xA8		qw	= Tongue height or hitbox related

//+0xC0		qw	= Player X position (absolute coordinates within level)
//+0xC8		qw	= Player Y position (absolute coordinates within level)
//+0xD0		qw	= Player height or hitbox related
//+0xD8		qw	= Player width or hitbox related
//+0xE0		qw	= Player X speed
//+0xE8		qw	= Player Y speed

//+0xF0		w	= Player identity index (0 = nothing! don't use, 1 = demo, 2 = iris, 3 = princess, 5 = 


/// - KEYS - 
//+0xF2		w	= U key pressing
//+0xF4		w	= D key pressing
//+0xF6		w	= L key pressing
//+0xF8		w	= R key pressing
//+0xFA		w	= J key pressing
//+0xFC		w	= SJ key pressing
//+0xFE		w	= X key pressing
//+0x100	w	= RN key pressing
//+0x102	w	= SEL key pressing
//+0x104	w	= STR key pressing

//+0x106	w	= Direction faced (-1 = left)

/// - MOUNT
//+0x108	w	= Mount identity (0 = no mount,1 = boot, 2 = clowcar, 3 = yoshi)
//+0x10A	w	= Mount color
//+0x10C	w	= Mount state
//+0x10E	w	= Mount height offset or something
//+0x110	w	= Mount gfx index

/// - STATES
//+0x112	w	= Current powerup
//+0x114	w	= Current player sprite index being displayed
//+0x116	w	= Unused
//+0x118	f	= X momentum assumption (used when determining how to draw the sprite)
//+0x11C	w	= Current upward jumping force (2 byte integer representation)
//+0x11E	w	= Holding jump button
//+0x120	w	= Holding spinjump button
//+0x122	w	= Forced animation state	(1 = powerup, 2 = powerdown, 3 = entering pipe, 4 = 

getting fire flower,
//											 7 = entering door, 500 

= tanooki statue poof state)
//+0x124	f	= Unknown124
//+0x128	f	= Unknown128
//+0x12C	w	= Down button mirror (redundant?)
//+0x12E	w	= In ducking state
//+0x130	w	= Select button mirror (redundant?)
//+0x132	w	= Unknown powerup change related
//+0x134	w	= Down button pressed this frame (reset next frame)
//+0x136	w	= Unknown136
//+0x138	f	= X momentum push (eg. pushed by a bully)
//+0x13C	w	= Player death state
//+0x13E	w	= Player death animation timer
//+0x140	w	= Powerup blinking timer
//+0x142	w	= Powerup blinking state
//+0x144	w	= Unknown144
//+0x146	w	= Bottom state (0 = not on the ground or standing on sprite, 2 = foot contact with a 

solid layer)
//+0x148	w	= Left state (0 = no left contact, 1 = half or pushed back by a solid layer, 2 = pushing 

against layer)
//+0x14A	w	= Top state (0 = no top contact, 1 = half or pushed back by a solid layer, 2 = pushing 

against layer)
//+0x14C	w	= Right state (0 = no right contact, 1 = half or pushed back by a solid layer, 2 = 

pushing against layer)
//+0x14E	w	= Pushed by a moving layer (0 = not pushed by any, 2 = being pushed to the left or 

//+0x150	w	= Unused150
//+0x152	w	= Unused152

//+0x154	w	= Index of sprite being held (index to a specific sprite object that was generated only, 

-1 = can't carry anything)
//+0x156	w	= Unknown156, usually reset to 0
//+0x158	w	= Powerup box contents (0 = no item)
//+0x15A	w	= Current section player is in
//+0x15C	w	= Warp timer (can't warp / pipe until 0)
//+0x15E	w	= Unknwon15E
//+0x160	w	= Projectile timer (fireballs, hammers, link slash...)
//+0x162	w	= Projectile timer 2 (link projectiles)
//+0x164	w	= Tail swipe timer
//+0x166	w	= Unknown166
//+0x168	f	= Run speed aggregate until flight achieveable
//+0x16C	w	= Can fly
//+0x16E	w	= Is flying
//+0x170	w	= Flight time remaining
//+0x172	w	= Holding flight run button
//+0x174	w	= Holding flight button

//+0x176	w	= Index of sprite being stood on
//+0x178	w	= Unknown X momentum with sprites

//+0x17A	w	= Usually forced to -1	
//+0x17C	w	= Unused17C
//+0x17E	w	= Unused17E
//+0x180	w	= Unused180
//+0x182	w	= Unused182
//+0x184	w	= Unused184

There's less information on the structure of NPC data. You can manipulate NPCs with NPCMemSet.

(pt is the same as dw)

// -- NPC structure -- ( 0x158 bytes )
// 0x+00	pt	= wchar_t* Attached layer name?
// 0x+04	w	= Unknown
// 0x+06	w	= Unknown decrementing timer

// +0x2C	pt  	= wchar_t* Activate event layer name
// +0x30	pt	= wchar_t* Death event layer name
// +0x34	pt	= ptr to unknown string
// +0x38	pt	= wchar_t* No More Objs event layer name

// +0x3C	pt	= wchar_t* Attached layer name?

// 0x+44	w	= Activated / interacted with player flag
// 0x+46	w	= Friendly (on = 0xFFFF)
// 0x+48	w	= Don't Move (on = 0xFFFF)

// 0x+64	w	= Is a generator
// 0x+68	f	= Generator delay setting
// 0x+6C	f	= Generator delay countdown
// 0x+70	w	= Direction to generate NPC?
// 0x+72	w	= Which layer to spawn NPC on
// 0x+74	w	= Invalidity or offscreen flag?

// 0x+78	qw	= X position
// 0x+80	qw	= Y position
// 0x+88	qw	= w/h?
// 0x+90	qw	= h/w?
// 0x+98	qw	= X speed
// 0x+A0	qw	= Y speed

// 0x+E2	w	= Sprite GFX index
// 0x+E4	w	= Animation frame

// 0x+E8	f	= Animation timer

// 0x+FC	w	= Grabbable gun projectile timer

// 0x+110	f	= Lakitu throw timer

// 0x+118	f	= Direction faced
// 0x+124	w	= Unknown
// 0x+12C	w	= Unknown grabbing-related
// 0x+12E	w	= 

// 0x+136	w	= FFFF on spawn
// 0x+146	w	= Current section this NPC is on
// 0x+148	f	= Hit count
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Kil »

Well, it looks like he's making an open source SMBX so he should actually just implement what lunadll does into his engine natively. Lunadll is the way it is because I don't have the source code of smbx so it has to be hacked in, but since he won't have that problem he should just like... make something better than lunadll.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by docopoper »

Aww that's cool. I wonder how his engine will compare to the engine I'm in the middle of making to see if I can replace SMBX. :P Though I don't see why we can't have both projects anyway. Mine shan't be strictly Mario based anyway since I don't feel like getting sued.

Also that's pretty cool that he used ASMBXT as an example - the game seems kind of popular. Hopefully the much fancier A2MBXT will do even better. :D
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by TiKi »

I'd like to note that that project hasn't hardly started yet. Although he's analyzing all the properties of SMBX's effects, NPCs, blocks, etc. in table PDFs, which is good for him to know, there isn't actually anything close to working yet.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by docopoper »

Ahh, well my project is only at the stage of me setting up the events system - so I guess we're starting at the same time.

I wonder if he knows about my documentation in the lvl format.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by ztarwuff »

This would be so good. I'm kinda worried that we've made our game somewhat inaccessible to people by hacking it in such a way that antivirus programs flag it up. Some people would be afraid of trusting it.

And what if the program has actually been infected with a virus?
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by TiKi »

docopoper wrote:Ahh, well my project is only at the stage of me setting up the events system - so I guess we're starting at the same time.

I wonder if he knows about my documentation in the lvl format.
Oh yeah that reminds me. He also did document the world and level formats on his site.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Voltgloss »

ztarwuff wrote:This would be so good. I'm kinda worried that we've made our game somewhat inaccessible to people by hacking it in such a way that antivirus programs flag it up. Some people would be afraid of trusting it.

And what if the program has actually been infected with a virus?
For whatever it's worth, when I downloaded the devkit, the specific piece that triggered my anti-virus software was the Demo Counter.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Kil »

If that thing is still in the devkit it should be removed. It's redundant now, and it never worked on windows 7 anyway.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Leet »

it didnt???
Well it is a decent hack but sometime its just too repetitif there no level that actually pop in your face and your like oh yeah that level they all ressemble themselves and just monster along the way.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by docopoper »

The LunaDLL version does and is fine - the one in ASMBXT was the iffy one.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Kil »

The Lunar Launcher thing which counted your deaths, it didn't work on windows 7 because of IE in the smbx launcher or something.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by SAJewers »

seems like http://www.gamearchaeology.com/TUTORIAL.txt is down.

Anyway, do you know what code would be needed to force the player's current powerup and reserve to be both leaves?

EDIT: Just to be more clear:
With regards to the final Boss of Episode 1, there is currently a room before Phase 1 of the boss, solely to give the player 2 fire powerups. As well, There is a room right before Phase 2 solely to give the player 2 leaves. After Part 1 of Phase 2, you're also given I believe 2 fire powerups. The first time I'm ok with it, but the other 2 times, If we could use LunaDLL to auto-give the player the powerups, that would be better.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Kil »

The tutorial is here for now viewtopic.php?f=36&t=14271&start=75#p196201

// Set powerup and reserve as leaves
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by SAJewers »

Kil wrote:The tutorial is here for now viewtopic.php?f=36&t=14271&start=75#p196201

// Set powerup and reserve as leaves
That sets my Powerup as Firey, and my Reserve is a Flying Furba.

EDIT: NVM, figured it out:

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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Kil »

Really? That's good to know
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by docopoper »

You can put other things in the item box? Cool. Putting a star in the item box should definitely be used to end a level in future.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Kil »

I wonder how that even works with the star count and all
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by SAJewers »

Yeah, for 0x158, the # you put in is the NPC ID.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by docopoper »

Well I imagine the star would just count for the current section - since which stars you have is saved on a per section basis. And the star wouldn't appear in the star counter above the door's estimate obviously.
The first thing I would do with infinite power would be to make myself a cave where I could look at my shadow forever.

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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by KingTwelveSixteen »

Would the star actually ever become blue or could you collect the same star an infinite number of times?
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Mabel »


is it possible to put an Iris block in the reserve, and when youre Iris make it a demo block?
or at the least, assign a button press to switch between Demo/Iris?
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by KingTwelveSixteen »

Mabel wrote:Interdasting...

is it possible to put an Iris block in the reserve, and when youre Iris make it a demo block?
or at the least, assign a button press to switch between Demo/Iris?
Somebody already made a level where pressing down twice switches your character.

Questroala Caverns or something similar sounding I believe.
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Re: LunaDLL help thread

Post by Mabel »

KingTwelveSixteen wrote:
Mabel wrote:Interdasting...

is it possible to put an Iris block in the reserve, and when youre Iris make it a demo block?
or at the least, assign a button press to switch between Demo/Iris?
Somebody already made a level where pressing down twice switches your character.

Questroala Caverns or something similar sounding I believe.
why did i never notice that was possible in that stage? l0l.
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