
Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

... zelda
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by thatguyif »

It's definitely not a Red Bubble. It happens when Link enters the dungeon proper (he has his sword outside the entrance). I'm not sure if it's a script though. Here's what's in the current ZScript:

Code: Select all

import "std.zh"
import "ffcscript.zh"
import "shutterControl.z"

//Constants used by the HoleLava script.
const int WPS_FALLING     = 88;  //The misc sprite to use for Link's graphic when he falls in a pit.
const int WPS_LAVA        = 89;  //The misc sprite to use for Link's graphic when he drowns in lava.
const int SFX_FALLING     = 38;  //The sound effect to play when Link falls in la pit.
const int SFX_LAVA        = 55;  //The sound effect to play when Link drowns in lava.
const int CF_LAVA         = 98;  //The combo FLAG to grant lava functionality to. Used for lava only.
const int CT_HOLELAVA     = 142; //The combo TYPE to grant holelava functionality to. Used for both
const int SCRIPT_HOLELAVA = 1;   //The ffc script slot number that has the HoleLava2 script.
const int HOLELAVA_DAMAGE = 0;   //The amount of damage to deal to link in 16ths of a heart.
const int CMB_AUTOWARP    = 892; //This should be a transparent autowarp combo.

//Global Variables used by the HoleLava script.
int Falling; //Determines whether Link is falling or not, and how long long the animation last.
bool Warping; //Determines if Link is being warped by a pit combo.

//Combine this global script with any others.
global script Slot2{
    void run(){
        //Initialize variables to be used to store Link's Position.
        int oldmap = Game->GetCurMap();
        int oldscreen = Game->GetCurScreen();
        int startx = Link->X;
        int starty = Link->Y;
        //Clear the Global Variables used by the HoleLava script.
        Falling = 0;
        Warping = false;
        //Loop indefinitely.
            //If the current map or screen changed and Link is not scrolling then set the local variables used by the HoleLava script.
            if((oldscreen != Game->GetCurScreen() || oldmap != Game->GetCurMap()) && Link->Action != LA_SCROLLING){
                startx = Link->X;
                starty = Link->Y;
                oldscreen = Game->GetCurScreen();
                oldmap = Game->GetCurMap();
            //If Link is on a pit combo and not warping or scrolling execute the holelava stuff.
            if(Link->Action != LA_SCROLLING && OnPitCombo() && Link->Z <= 0 && !Warping){
                //If Falling = 0...
                if(Falling == 0){
                    //Set Link's position to the Grid position of where he is centered.
                    Link->X = GridX(CenterLinkX());
                    Link->Y = GridY(CenterLinkY());
                    //Initialize sprite and sound variables as if he was on a pit.
                    int sprite = WPS_FALLING;
                    int sfx = SFX_FALLING;
                    //If on lava change the sprite and sound variables to the ones for lava.
                    if(OnPitCombo() == 2){
                        sprite = WPS_LAVA;
                        sfx = SFX_LAVA;
                    //Set Falling, create the sprite, and play the sound.
                    Falling = CreateGraphic(sprite);
                    //Offset Link's drawx and hitx by 1000.
                    if(Link->DrawXOffset >= 0) Link->DrawXOffset += 1000;
                    else Link->DrawXOffset -= 1000;
                    if(Link->HitXOffset >= 0) Link->HitXOffset += 1000;
                    else Link->HitXOffset -= 1000;
                    //Set Link's action to none.
                    Link->Action = LA_NONE;
                    //Decrement falling.
                    //If Falling = 0...
                    if(Falling == 0){
                        //If the holelava script is running...
                        if(CountFFCsRunning(SCRIPT_HOLELAVA) != 0){
                            //Load that ffc.
                            ffc f = Screen->LoadFFC(FindFFCRunning(SCRIPT_HOLELAVA));
                            //If it's second argument isn't set set the last two arguments to Link's starting position.
                            if(f->InitD[1] == 0){
                                f->InitD[6] = startx;
                                f->InitD[7] = starty;
                            //Set Link's Position.
                            Link->X = startx;
                            Link->Y = starty;
                            //Remove the 1000 pixel offset from Link.
                            if(Link->DrawXOffset >= 0) Link->DrawXOffset -= 1000;
                            else Link->DrawXOffset += 1000;
                            if(Link->HitXOffset >= 0) Link->HitXOffset -= 1000;
                            else Link->HitXOffset += 1000;
                            //Damage Link.
                            Link->HP -= HOLELAVA_DAMAGE;
                            Link->Action = LA_GOTHURTLAND;
                            Link->HitDir = -1;
                //Null Link's input.
            //Waitframe to allow the game's code to run.
    //This function simply returns true if Link is on a pit/lava combo.
    int OnPitCombo(){
        int returnnum;
        int comboLoc = ComboAt(CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY());
        if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] == CT_HOLELAVA){
            if(ComboFI(comboLoc, CF_LAVA)) returnnum++;
        return returnnum;
    //This function creates a graphic and returns the lifespan of the graphic.
    int CreateGraphic(int sprite){
        lweapon l = Screen->CreateLWeapon(LW_SPARKLE);
        l->CollDetection = false;
        l->X = Link->X;
        l->Y = Link->Y;
        l->DrawXOffset = 0;
        l->DrawYOffset = 0;
        return l->NumFrames*l->ASpeed;

//This script adds warp and damage functionality to the script.
ffc script HoleLava2{
    //D0 is the warp type. 0 for no warp, 1-4 = sidewarps A-D.
    //D1 is a boolean and is used to determine whether or not to move Link to the ffcs position. 0 false, 1 true.
    //D2 is the amount of damage to do to Link when he falls.
    void run(int warp, bool position, int damage){
        //Loop idefinitely.
            //Wait until Falling changes to 0, regardless if it's already at 0 or not.
            while(Falling == 0) Waitframe();
            while(Falling != 0) Waitframe();
            //If this is a warping pit...
            if(warp > 0){
                //Set warping to true.
                Warping = true;
                //Warp Link according to the warp variable.
                this->Data = CMB_AUTOWARP + warp - 1;
                this->Flags[FFCF_CARRYOVER] = true;
                //Wait a frame.
                //Return Link's Draw and Hit Offsets back to normal.
                if(Link->DrawXOffset >= 0) Link->DrawXOffset -= 1000;
                else Link->DrawXOffset += 1000;
                if(Link->HitXOffset >= 0) Link->HitXOffset -= 1000;
                else Link->HitXOffset += 1000;
                //Clear this data to prevent a consecutive warp.
                this->Data = FFCS_INVISIBLE_COMBO;
                this->Flags[FFCF_CARRYOVER] = false;
                //Set Link's Z position to his Y position to give the illusion of him falling.
                Link->Z = Link->Y;
                //Set Warping to false and then quit.
                Warping = false;
            //If position is true then set Link's position to the position of the FFC.
                Link->X = this->X;
                Link->Y = this->Y;
                Link->X = this->InitD[6];
                Link->Y = this->InitD[7];
            //Set Link's draw and hit Offsets back to normal.
            if(Link->DrawXOffset >= 0) Link->DrawXOffset -= 1000;
            else Link->DrawXOffset += 1000;
            if(Link->HitXOffset >= 0) Link->HitXOffset -= 1000;
            else Link->HitXOffset += 1000;
            //If damage is greater than 0...
            if(damage > 0){
                //Damage link.
                Link->HP -= damage;
                Link->Action = LA_GOTHURTLAND;
                Link->HitDir = -1;
            //Waitframe to prevent freezing.

ffc script permitem{
   void run(int itemid, int killall, int temp, int sfx){
      item i=Screen->CreateItem(itemid);

//Sideview Ladder Script 2.0
//D0: Set this to the flag that marks ladder combos

ffc script Sideview_Ladders{
   //This detects whether Link is in the middle of an action that would prevent him from moving while on ladders
   bool LinkBusy(){
      return !(Link->Action<LA_ATTACKING||Link->Action==LA_CHARGING||Link->Action==LA_GOTHURTLAND);

   //This is a modified version of CanWalk() that determines if Link can walk up or down while on a ladder
   bool LadderCheck(int x, int y, int dir, int step, bool full_tile) {
       int c=8;
       int xx = x+15;
       int yy = y+15;
       if(full_tile) c=0;
      if(Link->Y<=0) return true;
      else if(Link->Y>=160) return true;
       else if(dir==0) return !(y-step<0||Screen->isSolid(x,y+c-step)||Screen->isSolid(x+8,y+c-step)||Screen->isSolid(xx,y+c-step));
       else if(dir==1) return !(yy+step>=176||Screen->isSolid(x,yy+step)||Screen->isSolid(x+8,yy+step)||Screen->isSolid(xx,yy+step));
       return false; //invalid direction

   void run(int flag){
      bool cling=true;
      itemdata feather=Game->LoadItemData(I_ROCSFEATHER);
      if(flag==0)flag=98; //This sets the flag to 98 if you're feeling too lazy to set D0
         if(ComboFI(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8, flag)||ComboFI(Link->X+8, Link->Y+16, flag)){
            if(cling)Link->Jump=0;//This makes link float when he's clinging to a ladder
            //This allows Link to jump while on ladders by recreating the effect of the Roc's Feather item
            //This moves Link up or down on the ladders and keeps him from falling through them if he walks on top of one
            if(ComboFI(Link->X+8, Link->Y+16, flag)&&!ComboFI(Link->X+8, Link->Y+15, flag)){
            else if(Link->InputUp&&LadderCheck(Link->X, Link->Y, DIR_UP, 1, true)){
            if(Link->InputDown&&LadderCheck(Link->X, Link->Y, DIR_DOWN, 1, true)){
         else if(cling)cling=false; //This makes Link stop floating when he steps off the ladder flag

//Sideview Platform Script 1.0
//Put this script on any FFC in sideview you want Link to be able to stand on.
//Link's interaction with platforms won't work as well with accelerating platforms or non-integer velocity values.
ffc script Moving_Platform{

   //This detects if Link is performing an action that should prevent him from moving while on a platform

   bool LinkBusy(){
      return !(Link->Action<LA_ATTACKING||Link->Action==LA_CHARGING||Link->Action==LA_GOTHURTLAND);

   //This detects if Link is using the hookshot, an item that bugs out horribly if Link is moved while using it

   bool Hookshotting(){
      for(int i=1; i<=Screen->NumLWeapons(); i++){
         lweapon l=Screen->LoadLWeapon(i);
         if(l->ID==LW_HOOKSHOT)return true;
      return false;

   void run(){
      itemdata feather=Game->LoadItemData(I_ROCSFEATHER);
         //This detects when Link gets on the platform
               int savedx=this->X;
                  //This snaps Link to the platform when he isn't hookshotting

                  //This allows Link to jump while on sideview platforms by recreating the effect of the Roc's feather item
Let me know if there's something here that makes sense to my situaish.
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by Lejes »

Nothing in those scripts looks like it disables sword use. Maybe it's a DMap item restriction? Check the "Disable" tab in the DMap editing window and make sure the sword isn't in the disabled items list.
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by Nabe »

If you'd like to put it on Dropbox, I'd bet we can all collectively figure it out.

If it's not Lejes' suggestion, then my first guess would be to compare the subscreens that your DMaps use. I'm looking at AZCT Lv.qst, which I think your .qst is based on? It doesn't have any items disabled, but I notice that his dungeon DMap uses a B+A subscreen. If your overworld DMap uses a B subscreen, then the transition between the two might appear to have disabled the sword.
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by thatguyif »

You were right, Nabe! The dungeon was set to B, and the entrance was sent to B+A. Fixed! Thanks for that, forgot how important that was.

Anyway, I just uploaded the completed dungeon, with notes. I would call it a rough draft at the moment. Playtesting needs to be done, obviously. Not sure how to approach the enemy layouts, which is the big issue. The way I see it, with a Level 4 loadout (plus a boomerang, hookshot, and a potion, and white sword) should be able to get through it with enough skill. Routing is also a thing. I think it's solid, I just wonder if it's enough.

I'm open to thoughts on this. This is the first level I've done with this engine.
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by Nabe »

From the start: going north, south, east, south gets you to the wand.
Is that intended?

Also, the black tiles in 71 are water or something? Wasn't sure if this was intentional, because I did think it was funny. If it is intentional, the rooms that enter 71 from the south (60 and 54) won't work, because upon entering 71 from that direction Link falls into the water again and again endlessly without taking damage.
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by thatguyif »

It wasn't! Aaaaaah :shock:

I just fixed both those and uploaded it (1st revision file). I think I used a wrong combo (some script combo?) with 71. I set it to more appropriate combo. (That said, that is kind of funny)
62 now goes to 41 and 64 instead of rooms on the path. The latter offers a second path to the first bonus room, because why not.
Sorry this took so long to respond to, I got sidetracked by things :|
I promise to be more responsive from here on out.
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by jayScribble »

So I tried and tested the wand minidungeon of revision 1... Let's just say that the warps are broken, like some of them are taking me to the overworld.

Is there anything I'm missing from this?
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by Nabe »

jayScribble wrote:So I tried and tested the wand minidungeon of revision 1... Let's just say that the warps are broken, like some of them are taking me to the overworld.

Is there anything I'm missing from this?
I've just now fixed the two broken warps that led to black space on Dropbox. But if you're talking about warps that led to an actual overworld screen, those are intentional.
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by jayScribble »

I'll try again with the new version.
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Re: Wandering Around Again (New Wand Subdungeon?)

Post by jayScribble »

So, I played through it, and some small things to report:
In the middle of the first room, there is a tile that disappears over time, leaving to a warp into a dark room. Out of all the warps, this one just confuses me.

The bombed wall graphics are inconsistent.
Other than that, it's alright, but could use some polishing at most.
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