

here's a good place for FRIENDLY, ENJOYABLE, and otherwise very GENERAL discussion!
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the biggest shit
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Post by Argumentable »

Hello and welcome to the rules. They are, in order of importance:

  1. Please be nice. We value empathy and kindness over being right. If you get the feeling you're upsetting somebody please step away for a bit, making a point probably isn't as important as you think.
  2. Respect other users. This means in general to be kind to people. Additionally we do not condone sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, albesim, or bigotry of any kind. Don't harass people.
  3. Don't post spoilers in the lp threads, and in general be respectful to other people when it comes to spoilers. If you want to discuss the nature of spoilers a certain level of respect and empathy is requested.
  4. No pornographic material, and no warez. Rom patches and the like are okay.
  5. Keep your signatures small and don't put massive gifs in them - especially on mobile large signatures are an issue so check that out too.
If you aren't sure about any of these then pm a mod. Public discussion on this topic can be done in the meta thread.

Remember, you can pm the mods as a group by pming the 'coppers' group!

Thanks for reading.

Old text:
Because a general "don't be an asshole" rule didn't cover it.

-Discrimination (here we go)
>Hate of any kind (age, sex, religion, etc) will not be tolerated
>If you see anyone disrespecting another user based off age, sex, religion, appearance, etc, please notify a mod.
>If you retaliate (even if you were not originally involved) you will also be seen as part of the problem.
>Course of action will be decided by mods.
>Arguments are to be done in a civil manner. There is a difference between being an asshole and having a civil argument.
For example:
A: "Hey I don't agree with that."
B: "I don't agree with you because of this reason."
A: "Hey I don't agree with that."
B: "Oh yeah? Well you're a dumb jerk!"

-Obscene Material
>Do not post any pornographic material, whether it be in posts, avatars, signatures, etc.
>If you have to ask yourself "Is this NSFW?" then is probably is.

>You're given a lot of space for signatures. Please use it appropriately and don't post giant images that take up half the page.
>Do not link to anything overly offensive.

>Any issues with mods and mod decisions are to be taken up directly with the mods over PM.
>All discrimination rules apply when addressing mods as well. We're people too.

>No untagged spoilers in the lp threads
>In general don't spoil things for people if they don't want you to
>Don't engage people in discussions on spoilers just because they don't want to be spoiled
>If you do want to discuss the philosophy of spoilers then at least be respectful enough to not spoil things for people or be rude while you're at it - you will be banned

-Illegal content
>No links to warez
>No reposting content and claiming it to be yours
>Patches for hacks are OK

If you are unsure about posting something, feel free to ask the mods first. Remember you can PM the entire mod team (coppers) as a group

Thanks, cats-on-ice!
I'm on Youtube andTwitter and Discord so say hi to me on there cause I don't really post here also I have sigs off so I can make my sig as ugly as I want and it won't bother me this is my sig btw
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Mata Hari
Posts: 2594
Joined: 15 years ago

Re: Rules for You

Post by Mata Hari »

I'm in the zone
