Dragon Quest III (SNES) - Gearing up at Rimuldar and levelling up before Zoma babey it's all about the mets baby come on mets
Such a fucking cozy ass game I'm so glad I booted this up as a therapy game of sorts. Also I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow (mental health doctor rather than therapist, he handles my meds basically), I should try to ask him about setting up therapy again. Sadly it may take a couple of months due to Portugal's health care system being dead in the gutter.
Also why is Ortega hotter than I remember, like I thought the Japanese bara art I saw of him exaggerated him to fuck and back. Can I get fanart like that for Pankraz too btw
I wanna hug Baramos too, he's giving "Hans Moleman if he was cute".
Zenonia - Ayles affairs done (did all quests, I believe) and moved on to Adonis. Got into the Guild of Light, going for the Hero Ending I assume. Playing on my ancient Android from middle school(?).
Lv10 and I'm also gonna work on a few quests around the latter town. Sidequests are always really fun, I feel like I heard the P2W microtransactions encouraged you to spend money on EXP multipliers for them though? That may be Zen4&5, not sure. We'll see when we get there.
I'm glad the villagers are getting nicer* though I can imagine Denis ("gay dude with a crush on you" stereotype) is gonna age as badly as the /v/irgin who made an epic greentext Tomodachi Life song on YouTube about how Mewtwo (and Ridley) would never get in Sm4sh and then proceeded to "not get mad" about it.
* - Pholtos hates this game due to that and the grind which. Didn't he play Ragnarok, at least the DS game? Ragnarok is up there with Runescape in grind levels